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Informatii despre domeniul
Descriere: ECOTRUST este o firma fondata în perioada premergatoare aderarii României la Uniunea Europeana cu intentia declarata de a se implica activ în efortul societatii românesti si al mediului de afaceri de a se integra în sistemul continental de norme si valori. Desi relativ noua în peisajul industriei de profil, firma ECOTRUST beneficiaza de experienta si profesionalismul asociatilor fondatori în domeniul ingineriei si administrarii afacerilor, precum si de entuziasmul si dorinta de actiune si afirmare a unei echipe competente de specialisti. ECOTRUST was founded prior to Romania’s expected accession to the European Union, with the clear intent to actively involve itself in the effort of the Romanian society and the Romanian business sector to embrace the European system of norms and values. Although it is a newcomer in landscape of environment technology industry, ECOTRUST takes advantage of the expertise and professional background of its founders in the field of engineering and business management, as well as of the enthusiasm and action eagerness of a competent team of specialists.
Keywords: water filters, drinking water, in-line filters, kitchen filters, bigblue, uv lamps, cartridges, Wastewater treatment plants, topas, flexidiblok, monoblok, grease separators, pumps, ecotrust, ecology, nature, ecological, economical, filtration, economy,filtre de apa, apa potabila, filtre in linie, filtre de bucatarie, bigblue, lampi uv, cartuse, statii de epurare, ape reziduale, topas, flexidiblok, monoblok, separatoare de grasimi, pompe, ecotrust, ecologie, natura, ecologic, economic, filtrare, economie

Informatii WHOIS despre domeniul
Inregistrat la: ROSPOT SRL
Status: ok
Lungime nume: 8 caractere
Litera de inceput: e

Timp executie : 4.01 secunde
din care 4 accesari ale bazei de date : 0.00 secunde
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